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Focusing on the Globalization of Chinese Brands, Showcasing the Power of Chinese Brands to the World - 2023-2024 Global Top Brands Officially Launches!

The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), known for its global recognition, influence, and scale, will be held from January 9th to 12th, 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in the United States.


At the same time, the award ceremony of the 2023-2024 Global Top Brands evaluation event, jointly hosted by Asia Data Group, Europe Data Group, and TWICE, will take place on January 10th during CES. During this event, global consumer electronics enthusiasts will witness the unveiling of eight major lists for 2023-2024 Global Top Brands and experience the trend-setting charm of digital technology, new products, and applications in the consumer electronics field.


The 2023-2024 Global Top Brands evaluation event has officially launched


About “Global Top Brands”


Global Top Brands” was founded by IDG in 2006 and is co-hosted by TWICE. With comprehensive support authoritative research institution IDC, this large-scale evaluation event has been held for seventeen sessions at CES. Each year, the rankings are published through CES Daily and TWICE to showcase the charm of global consumer electronics brands to consumers worldwide, enhance the international recognition of major consumer electronics companies, and promote the future development of the global consumer electronics industry.


During CES, an “International Consumer Electronics Leaders Summit” will also be held. Industry representatives from the consumer electronics field, IDC, and TWICE will gather together to explore and analyze topics such as how the consumer electronics industry and brands integrate with intelligent technology, how consumer electronics companies can build core competitiveness and improve their advantages in order to promote industrial connectivity in global markets and achieve the globalization of Chinese brands.


The candidate brands for “Global Top Brands” are currently open for global recruitment!


This year’s evaluation event adheres to principles of authority, professionalism, objectivity, and fairness. The organizing committee will invite top-level executives from internationally renowned brand manufacturers as well as expert scholars in corporate brand strategy, authoritative third-party organizations, and well-known media figures in the consumer electronics field to form a judging panel. The candidate brands will be assessed based on their global strength as demonstrated by submitted application materials including global sales revenue, overseas sales revenue, annual product shipments and market share data, successful brand marketing cases, etc.


In addition to these factors, evaluations will also consider aspects such as internationalization of candidate brands’ operations management strategies including overseas competitiveness, consumer experience, technological innovation and patents, international brand recognition, and brand internationalization management.


Award Categories:


This year’s “Global Top Brands” will cover eight major lists, establishing global benchmarks for the consumer electronics industry and leading its development:


Top 10 CE BRANDS for 2023-2024

Top 15 Global Smart Connected Device Brands for 2023-2024

Top 15 Global Mobile Device Brands for 2023-2024

Top 10 Global Innovative Vehicles Brands for 2023-2024

Top 50 Global CE Brands for 2023-2024

Top 10 Global Innovative Display Brands for 2023-2024

Top 10 Global Innovative Home Appliance Brand for 2023-2024

International Innovative Enterprise Brand Award for 2023-2024




Evaluation Criteria


Industry Recognition: The brand holds an important position in the consumer electronics field and has a certain level of recognition in the global consumer electronics industry.


Global Strategic Layout: The brand has a clear concept of globalization and strong internationalization requirements. It possesses a clear and sustainable international brand value positioning and strategy. It has also formulated detailed strategic plans for entering overseas markets.


International Market Influence: The brand maintains a certain level of sales volume in the international market, while its brand image, product research and development, and production have gained influence in the global market.


Product Innovation: The brand demonstrates independent innovation planning and experience in terms of core technology, development planning, product design, applications, etc., as well as prospects for independent innovative development.


What will you get by being selected?


Enhance International Image: Being selected not only earns you an international certificate but also helps elevate your brand’s international reputation among key players in the consumer electronics industry. It enables the award-winning company to enhance its brand’s international recognition, quickly find international partners, and strengthen overseas channel development.


Extensive Promotion: The Global Top Brands list has always been highly regarded by industry professionals. Being selected will attract attention from readers of CES Daily and TWICE, reaching 20,000 consumer electronics retailers in North America. It will also receive promotion from 1,500 global media outlets, 200,000 buyers, and 300 mainstream media globally.


Industry Exchange & Dialogue with Industry Leaders: Selected brands not only have the opportunity to expand industry relationships and enhance brand recognition among industry insiders and consumers but also participate in roundtable discussions with international consumer electronics leaders. They can engage in dialogue and exchange ideas with top executives from global leading brands and establish connections with industry authorities.


Past Winners Review



*Partial list of past award-winning companies, not ranked in any particular order


Global Top Brands is an important platform for enterprises to monitor trends in the consumer electronics industry, gain insights into global market conditions, and share business opportunities in the global consumer electronics field. It is also an essential reference for global consumer electronics enthusiasts when purchasing products. The “Global Top Brands” evaluation event for this year has officially launched. We sincerely invite brands that intend to showcase their outstanding strength to global consumers to participate in the evaluation process and seize the hotspots of the global consumer electronics market while setting benchmarks for the industry’s advancement.


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GTB Consumer Electronics Brand”


Contact Us

For participation in award selection, please contact:

Ms. Li: / +86 10-65268757-222

Ms. Li: / +86 18200671768


For media cooperation, please contact:

Ms. Fu: / +86 10-6526875